Emergency Lock Out
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- Emergency Lock Out
For immediate response call the LOKDOC to unlock your home or vehicle.
Professional Licensed Locksmith services at a reasonable price.

Automobile Lock Out Service
The LOK DOC can create and program 97% of the keys available for Automobiles on the spot. We can replace your lost keys or open your locked vehicle. We will have you back in your vehicle in no time. The police won't open your vehicle, because today's vehicles are equipped with anti theft measures that make it to hard for them to unlock your vehicle without doing damage to the mechanisms.
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Beach Lock Out Service
The park rangers and police departments can not open your vehicle, but the LOK DOC can. The LOK DOC has been opening vehicles at Monmouth County Beaches, including, Sea Bright, Sandy Hook, and Seven Presidents for over 18 years. He will meet you at your car with his mobile locksmith shop. have you back on the road in no time.
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Residential Lock Out Service
Lose your house keys? The LOK DOC makes house calls. Don't break that window, its going to cost you more to have that replaced than it will to simply let the DOC unlock your front door for you with his Locksmith tools. Plus while he is there he can make you some spare keys!
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Commercial Lock Out Service
Problems with your locks at your place of business? The LOK DOC is fully qualified on commercial lock hardware, and electronic key and biometric systems. We can repair and maintain your current hardware and systems, or upgrade them with the highest quality products on the market. So if its just a door closing mechanism that has seen better days, or you need the most innovative biometric system available, we can serve your needs.
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