
Lost Car Keys

The LOK DOC is able to cut keys for 97% of all vehicles on the spot that will work with your vehicles anti theft system. This is done without harming the vehicle in any way. If you have lost all keys to the vehicle we can still create a new key that will work in your vehicles doors and ignition.

Replacement Keyless Entry Remotes

Don’t have your vehicle towed to a car dealership, wasting time and money. Let the LOK DOC come to you with mobile Locksmith service and get you back on the road. If you need a replacement remote for your keyless entry system, we have them in stock and will program it for you. We have […]

Vehicle Key Copying

Don’t pay dealer prices for automobile keys. The LOK DOC licensed professional mobile Locksmiths will save you time and money. The days of getting a spare key for your car or truck from the local hardware store are over. Vehicle keys are equipped with anti theft systems that incorporate microprocessors in the key fob that […]